Monday, November 30, 2009

Day Seventy Three: Writing

While I have a lot of essay's and research papers to do, I cannot stop writing this creative writing story I began earlier today. I started it to get in the mood to write but I could not stop writing it. Other then grocery shopping that's about all I did. Here you have have a bit of what I wrote because it's all I have to offer from today:

My eyes began to close, it was close to nap time. Outside the trees were rustled by a strong wind. I watched as the branches bowed, and as the baby trees below almost snapped in half. No, that was not right, the wind was not that aggressive. Was that a shadow, or a shape? It was too fast to be anything other than the wind. It growled like the wind, so it must be the wind.

He was standing outside my window, behind him dark and massive shapes rocked in the woods. They were not the trees, but I could not make their shape. His glare was just as it had been earlier that day. It was warning me that I should get away as fast as possible. His gaze burnt into my own until I had to look away. I knew I should not be here and he was telling me the same. His stiff posture and his cold face, it was a sign from this whole world that I did not belong and that I should leave before I would not have the option. I lowered my eyes and even though I was no longer looking at him, I knew that his glare had not changed, but somehow he, himself, had. Now standing in his place was a great wolf. Time was telling me that it was almost too late for me to leave before I got sucked into a world that I was not prepared for. A chill wet my back and I fought against the force pulling me towards its now open jaws.

“Emma! Emma, come in the kitchen it is time for dinner!”

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