Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day Twenty One: Finally made it to Sustaniable Design and Alternative Design Pathways

My paper is not going well, because i have a lot of distractions, so this is day four? Wow, i am so good at being a student, i guess it is a good thing that is a chapter that is almost finished in my life. I am tired of busy work, I like the classes where i have one paper and one test because because you can put everything you have into those two grades rather then half-@$$ing a weekly journal entry or paper. I rather assign my own busy work like this blog, facebook, emailing, twitter, writing my own fictions and, of course when all else is accomplished and set, building my own village on Sims. So that's that.

Today i thought about waking up early to get my busy on paper assignment, but i failed at that. I guess i set my alarm at the wrong time and instead i was woken by a phone call from the tour company that i am going to Wales and Amsterdam with. They were responding to a call i made about a week and a half ago to schedule tours to Wales and Amsterdam, which i am already scheduled for... i think they have a communication malfunction somewhere in their department and i am wondering how reliable they will turn out to be. I guess i will find out when i go on the trips. It may also explain why the trips were so cheap, haha.

I did not get any work done needless to say, but i did build two more homes in Sims. Good job me! Then i went to class, i finally made it to Sustaniable Design and Alternative Design Pathways. Turns out it was a much longer name than i thought, also turns out to be a much more of a thinking class than i thought. In class we watched the video "The Story about Stuff," which all of you should watch, now, go (http://www.storyofstuff.com/). Its about how we use products, how we need to be more aware of our world in terms of consumer market, killing the planet and our resources and how we are so highly influence by adverts. It is very educational and i do not know how else to explain to you how important it is to watch this clip and be aware of the problems it addresses. I had seen the video once before, and it really is important for everyone to watch.

Moving on, we then discussed a product in our classroom and its functions, what its made of, if it can be recycled, ect. My group consisted of my new friend Jade from NJ, a girl named Kira from Italy who spoke little english and a girl named T-sung (?) from North Korea who spoke very good english but did not differentiate Jade and my American accents from those of the English students around us. Our product was a water bottle, my green water bottle, which i was soon informed is releasing estrogen into my system in massive quantities, allegedly. I am not sure if i should be concerned or if it is just another one of those "things" so... yeah, i am currently still drinking from it. However, if someone thinks i should stop a stainless steel water bottle would be much appreciated. hahahaha... yeah, i am not really sure how to react to this information.

After class, i finally printed out stuff that needed printing, but i think i printed two documents that did not need printing. It costs 5 pence a page, which is about 7 cents. The cool thing about the way they print here is that their printer for the public prints double sided automatically. The not so cool thing about how they print here is that you need to work between two computers to do it. (It is much to complicated to explain, so i am not going to).

I went grocery shopping after class for a few needed items: salad dressing, milk, eggs and toothpaste. Then i made dinner, leftover chicken and a salad with mushrooms, avacado and the dressing i just bought. I am awesome at feeding myself, see Mom and Dad, i told you i could cook but why bother when i have you guys cooking for me (and on the rare occasion, Hanna). Clearly the ability to cook is genetic.

Now, i think i have caught up with all possible distractions, so i think i will finally tackle my little 800 paper. Simple, i think. Or... i can go take a shower and then write my paper. Yep that sounds awesome to me!

Love you all and miss you! (I thought about Christmas today, and i am excited to see you all).

UPDATE: I FINISHED MY PAPER! It is 1:00am, oh college papers how i missed thee.... juuuuuuuuuust kidding


  1. Hi Kristin, just need to say as your Aunt, please be smart and safe when planning your trips and travel plans. there are alot of phony stuff out there and con artists SO you need to really check out the companys you are connecting with for legitamacy. There, I said it. you have me worried a bit but i DO HAVE FAITH IN YOU SO don't let me down Kristave. Enjoy the trips, be safe and Christmas is coming......
    love Aunt Sharon

  2. ...oh forgot to tell you that i love your welcome page. you look lovely. :-)

  3. You make me laugh out load. I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG ENTRIES. Yes, I knew you could do it. You just like to have it done for you. You are just like your mother. Love you!
